The forward propagation part of a CNN written in C++, using the model trained by the library “SimpleCNNbyCPP” (written by my teacher)
capable of distinguishing human and landscape photos.
This simple CNN model contains 3 convolutional layers, 2 max-pooling layers and 1 fully-connected layer.
The core of this project is a self-made matrix class, high speed matrix multiplication and convolution
matrix class possesses soft-copy function, performant in the scene of image copying
matrix multiplication utilized various skills to obtain high speed, including partitioning matrices into smaller blocks and SIMD (crossed-platfrom achieved)
im2col algorithm is implemented to turn convolution operation into matrix multiplication. After im2col, we only need to do multiplying a 1 x K matrix with a K x N matrix, which I specifically do optimization. Finally this kind of multiplication reaches the same speed with OpenBLAS (one of the fastest libraries)